Просмотр полной версии : In target has woken up with an acute pain in left to a side in a bottom, giving in left...

07.07.2004, 12:53
In target has woken up with an acute pain in left to a side in a bottom, giving in the left leg or foot. Was frightened of an extrauterine pregnancy or a salpingocuesis. The matter is that that month at me was nezashchishchenyj the sexual certificate or act. On Thursday has drunk last taletku to Diana 35, and on Friday there was a contact. The gynecologist has told or said, that to Diana excludes extrauterine in spite of the fact that day have passed or have taken place after reception. Has told or said that at me an edema of a pipe of a uterus. A smear almost excellent or different, here just that with flora. Has registered an aloe, diklovit, tsikloferon, imunofan. The edema Whence could undertake? And for what to accept imunofan?

Malanova T.B.
08.07.2004, 13:18
Pregnancy should not be. If now complaints are not present, anything and do not accept.