Просмотр полной версии : All good afternoon. I on 26 weeks of pregnancy and at me have appeared a thrush...

05.07.2004, 18:50
All good afternoon. I on 26 weeks of pregnancy and at me have appeared a thrush. What to do or make? Thanks.

08.07.2004, 09:23
Signs of a candidiasis ("thrush") are how much brightly expressed at you: plentiful allocation, an itch. If the listed signs are expressed not brightly or otsutsvujut it is possible to use vulval or vaginal trays or basins with solutions of antiseptics (furatsillin), a soda solution to process walls of a vagina brown in Glycerinum. Address to the gynecologist who after carrying out of laboratory researches will appoint or nominate to you treatment. Success.