Просмотр полной версии : I yesterday have made US. The conclusion: the Structure or Frame of genitals or genitalias corresponds or meets to a phase tsik...

05.07.2004, 17:27
I yesterday have made US. The conclusion: the Structure or Frame of genitals or genitalias corresponds or meets to a phase of a cycle. 2 fine kaltsinata in a mucous cavity and " cervical kalena " - could not make out handwriting. A cyst endotserviksa.
What is it such? Also what it is necessary to do or make thus, whether it is necessary to delete a cyst? My doctor has told or said to me, that is necessary vyskablit and to send on research.

07.07.2004, 05:51
And still to me the doctor has told or said, that it is necessary to scrape out or curette 2 days prior to a menses. My cycle constantly skips, he changeable. How to learn or find out when there will be a menses? Prompt please!

Pasenjuk A.M.
08.07.2004, 06:59
Speeches goes about a cyst endotserviksa - a cyst shejki uteruses. Kaltsinaty can be result or calcareous infiltrations of a polyp, or result of an inflammation, or (if there were breaks shejki uteruses) elements of cicatrix shejki. Operation in such cases only under indications - at presence of a dysplasia shejki uteruses. You accept the cytologic smear for the beginning, by its or his results - treatment.