Просмотр полной версии : Hello! I ask your advice or council in a following situation: Some hours naz...

07.07.2004, 02:46
Hello! I ask your advice or council in a following situation: Some hours back at me the sexual certificate or act with the man and did not use a condom. At me just the middle of a cycle. Prompt what to do or make, to not become pregnant in ?tom a case?

The anonym
07.07.2004, 23:36
To drink a tablet "postinora"

08.07.2004, 06:34
To syringe a vagina a weak solution of table Acetum. The acidic medium kills spermatozoons (live in alkaline medium). And is better to take something serious and to beat the lover on a head until all spermatozoons and those that in a vagina, and even that else have not arisen have died out from a brain concussion that following time did not climb without preza.