Просмотр полной версии : Hello! My mum (65 years) has received following results of the analysis: rako...

The anonym
06.07.2004, 10:25
Hello! My mum (65 years) has received following results of the analysis: a cancer antigen (SA 125) - 21, 2; the Carbohydrate antigen (SA-19) - 6, 7. How, in your opinion, whether should guard what SA-125 comes nearer to a critical mark - 35? Thankful in advance.

07.07.2004, 12:16
net ne dolzhno - test v norme. CA-125 voobshe e iavliaetsia screen testom na chto by to ni bylo - i rassmatrivat ego a takzhe naznachat bes klinicheskih pokazanii ne nuzhno. - naprimer, chto by vy delali esli by on byl povyshen? Ne vse opuholi privodiat k povysheniu etogo testa, takzhe sushestvuet mnogo dobrokachstvennyh zabolevanii povyshaiushih CA-125. Tak chto ego obuchno berut tolko pered samoi operaciei po povodu somnitelnuh kist iaiichnikov.