Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor!!! It was constantly excruciated with an irregular cycle. He growing...

06.07.2004, 15:50
Hello the doctor!!! It was constantly excruciated with an irregular cycle. He is stretched or dragged out from 27 till 45 days, and never happens regular. The last month the break was 27 days, and in it or this is 44 days and even there are no hints any on occurrence monthly: ((as happens, breasts hurt). The TEST for pregnancy for 35 day after posledih monthly has shown negative result... BT today - 36.94444.
Doctors have not found any deviations or rejections in my genesial sis-me. Vitamins - do not help or assist. I drink a high-grade complex vit. 1.5 years, and 2 mes to accept beginnings 6 + E + D back - while it is ineffectual.
Thankful in advance for your reference.

Malanova T.B.
06.07.2004, 23:45
And you passed or took place hormonal inspection? At disturbances of a cycle should be otkldoneny. Your diagnosis - dysfunction of ovaries, but it is necessary to find out a level of breakage: at level TSNS, ovaries, a uterus. Go to ginekologu-to the endocrinologist.

07.07.2004, 09:04
Hello the doctor. At me 2 years ago in a blood have found lupoid antikooguljant. Nikokogo treatment and the further inspections did not pass or take place, t. To. Nothing disturbed me. One month ago at me was vakidysh on term of 10 12 weeks - the diagnosis not developing pregnancy. After an abortion proceed till now brownish krovjanistye allocation. Tell or say please if the diagnosis will prove to be true, whether I can have children, and how much or as far as it will be complex or difficult. Thanks.