Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Help or assist, please. poslednija the menses was 18.02.02, with...

07.07.2004, 00:24
Good afternoon! Help or assist, please. poslednija the menses was 18.02.02, now a delay of 2 weeks, the test for pregnancy - positive, has gone on US - have told or said the stood pregnancy in a uterus, I have made the analysis of a blood on HG - a level> 200, the doctor speaks can extrauterine, we very much want this child, the doctor speaks, it is necessary to scrape out, on such small term, considering, what in a uterus something is, but the doctor speaks, what the embryos was not formed, can the child survive and what now to us to undertake? Very much I ask to respond as soon as possible, for us it is very important.

07.07.2004, 06:24
Now it is very important to hand over a blood on hg not less often than in day (if is positive dinamika-a fetus develops). Term can be simple less settlement. It is necessary repeated uzi on good apparature-important to exclude extrauterine. To scrape out will be in time. It is necessary to use any vozmozhnost. Address in the good center of type "eurohoney" in 67 maternity home.