Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, I ask the urgent answer to my inquiry. It has been made dia...

04.07.2004, 10:03
The dear doctor, I ask the urgent answer to my inquiry. The diagnostic currettage and diagnostics has been made. Histological research has drawn the following conclusion (the macroscopical description): " In Gotha. pr. In soskobe a blood, obryvki endometrija, fragments of a polyp of the cervical channel. Fragmen tissues shejki uteruses with growths of a planocellular carcinoma with attributes of a microinvasion up to 3 mm/within the limits of investigated or researched materiala/.
Whether "pulls" the given result on excision of a uterus? I shall be very grateful for a fast reply.

Savchenko A.A.
05.07.2004, 01:26
At such pathology variants of operations are possible or probable: the knife trachelectomy, a hysterectomy, a hysterectomy with appendages. The volume of operation depends on a concrete situation, the operating surgeon after survey solves.

05.07.2004, 03:13
I thank for the operative answer! Tell or say, the doctor, and after such operation (especially its or her third variant) live and it is however long (the statistics can eat?) I understand, the person, more correctly, the woman, cattle hardy, but is how much adequate vital activity after such operation? Whether return to usual style of a life - job, for example is possible or probable. Excuse my obtrusiveness, it is simple at menmja five on lavkam and it would be desirable to know the forecast postoperative.

Savchenko A.A.
05.07.2004, 14:26
All three operations do not influence vital activity, on a working capacity, for a sex life of the woman. The trachelectomy saves genesial function (ability to give birth or travail), extirpation shejki uterus saves hormonal function of ovaries. Once again I wish to note, that obem operations are chosen by the operating surgeon depending on a clinical situation. It that kasaemo consequences of the operation. Now about the forecast of a cancer shejki uteruses. At initial stages the forecast good, relapses are rare. Illness or disease at the given stage for a life is not dangerous. But with treatment it is impossible to postpone, borrow or occupy in it or this urgently. At the widespread process the forecast very bad.

07.07.2004, 01:35
I thank, you, the doctor!