Просмотр полной версии : To me have diagnosed " an endometriosis of a body of the womb ", And the doctor has appointed or nominated treatment pr...

03.07.2004, 05:28
To me have diagnosed " an endometriosis of a body of the womb ",
And the doctor has appointed or nominated treatment by a preparation "Mersilon".
Whether it is applied at such diagnosis the given preparation.

Pasenjuk A.M.
04.07.2004, 08:53
Yes, the purpose of purpose or appointment - to block secretion of estrogens by an ovary and to achieve decrease of body height endometrioidnyh heterotopias

The anonym
05.07.2004, 16:12
And how can block estrogennuju secretion a monophasic contraceptive which Mersilov in essence and is?

06.07.2004, 02:57
In general treatment of an endometriosis as learns or teaches prof. Adomjan the Doctor bimanualno endometriosis begins with operative treatment (at least the diagnosis of an endometriosis is established or installed laparoskopicheski) can suspect and appoint or nominate additional inspection, but usatnavlivat the final diagnosis to equivalently that how to establish or install illness or disease the Crone without a colonoscopy and biopsies of an intestine.
If to you have appointed or nominated mersilon be pleased - your endometriosis....

Oshchepkova S.R.
07.07.2004, 00:49
The preparation influences on estrogenovye receptors which in the centers of an endometriosis in 4 times it is more, than in endometrii and blocks them, accordingly secretion of estrogens by a principle of a feedback decreases.