Просмотр полной версии : How pogodkov the birth influences health maieri and the second kid?...

04.07.2004, 20:04
How pogodkov the birth influences health maieri and the second kid?

06.07.2004, 08:30
After the first sorts or labors the organism of mother yet has not got stronger and finally was not restored. The doctor now recommend to do or make a break between sorts or labors not less than 3 h years. And pogodki... The Second child can be with the poor health, in fact yet not got stronger organism of mother can give him all necessary. But it is not obligatory, and as probability.

07.07.2004, 01:02
My mum zaberemennela my brother in 2 months after has given birth to me!!!! Also speaks, that both of pregnancy felt fine!!! And it has not affected or influenced health and appearance in any way! Also has given birth to us in difference as at all were on neskolku hours - and at it or her for 3 hours. And we grew healthy and did not hurt or ill;sick even cold!!!! And any children's illnesses or diseases, with a chicken pox and that - at school in 10 years were ill. And to my brother now 22 years - high, strong - and never nothing hurted!! And at us many similar families, different generations, at all the same picture. So all will be good, and does not influence in any way!!! And esliby all followed references of doctors in this case would not be in general pogodkov, and would increase kol-in abortions, t. To. Many women beremennejut right after sorts or labors.... And children such marvellously healthy!!!!