Просмотр полной версии : Girls, prompt, please, if the stomach or belly has lowered or omitted, what does it mean? Bere...

26.06.2004, 22:13
Girls, prompt, please, if the stomach or belly has lowered or omitted, what does it mean? Pregnancy of 34 35 weeks. In advance thanks.

29.06.2004, 09:13
irina, it is not necessary to experience, if pregnancy proceeds normally it means, only one, you will soon give birth.

30.06.2004, 13:24
I agree with Elena, but only it is not obligatory, that is fast. At me the sister with the lowered or omitted stomach or belly (+-) passed or took place month. Descend or go to the doctor and he all of you will precisely tell or say.

03.07.2004, 02:07
If there are no other problems it nothing means. The doctor of the maximum or supreme category akusher-ginekolog-endocrinologist Usatenko Feodor Nikolaevich.

06.07.2004, 15:40
If the level of a uterine fundus in case of the first pregnancy it occurs or happens for couple of weeks up to sorts or labors falls, and at repeated - directly ahead of sorts or labors.