Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! After radial therapy to me have made uzi a small basin. ZAKLJU...

03.07.2004, 03:59
The dear doctor!
After radial therapy to me have made uzi a small basin. The CONCLUSION: 1. A hypertrophy shejki uteruses non-uniform structure or frame stenok deformation deformation of the cervical channel probably z-e shejki.
2. Hyperplasias endometrija.
3. Non-uniform structure or frame of a myometrium it is impossible to exclude an endometriosis.
The doctor spent uzi speaks, that is necessary was to perform operation.
On consultation genikologa the doctor has told or said, that not necessarily operation and has registered a hormonetherapy.
What your opinion?

Savchenko A.A.
03.07.2004, 17:09
Dear Olga. Radial therapy is spent at various diseases of various organs. More in detail pozhalujusta - the diagnosis, what treatment, your age, accompanying diseases.

04.07.2004, 18:11
The diagnosis a cancer shejki uteruses, has passed or has taken place 6 sessions of beams. After hospital, in 2, 5 months have appeared
krovenye the allocation, accompanying strong pains
Have addressed there where treatment was spent, have taken
Smear also have put one more diagnosis, zhelezisto-cystic giperplazii-endometrija.
Then I have passed or have taken place uzi, about its or his indications I
Already to you wrote, (uzi it was spent before treatment, not after.) At present disturb
Pains vpojasnichnoj areas, a bottom of a stomach or belly. To me 43 years
Excess weight. Have now appointed or nominated 17 2 in a week. Has pierced month vydeleny did not become, but
Pains on former. The doctor prompt what to do or make.
Yours faithfully. Olga.

Savchenko A.A.
05.07.2004, 05:51
At once I wish to tell or say about " the doctor spent US ". The problem or task of this doctor to make research, and lechenim the attending physician is engaged, he gives the reference and bears the responsibility for the actions, and solves operation is necessary or not. " The doctor of US " simply has no right to give or allow the reference on treatment, especially to call in question actions of the attending physician (the expert in the given area) and to state it to the patient. Excuse for small deviation. Dear Olga. To give you the reference of these data not enough. The full information on you, your disease is necessary, it is necessary to familiarize with your case history, survey is necessary. You need to ask in more details your attending physician, I think he all of you will in detail explain. In occasion of pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly I can assume what is it result of radial therapy. 17 it is shown at hyperplasias endometrija.

06.07.2004, 05:22
Dear Olga, doctor Savchenko it is absolutely right. It is very complex or difficult to speak about treatment of a cancer shejki uteruses without the most detailed details of your case history. The approach to patients should be strictly individual and the choice of correct treatment is possible or probable only after thorough diagnostics and stadifikatsii diseases. Respond please:
1 What your diagnosis (word for word)?
2 As radial therapy (a curietherapy, a roentgenotherapy itd) was called?
Whether 3 Has explained yours lechashy the doctor of the reason pokotorym he spends operative treatment?
4 What researches, besides US, to you have been spent? What their results?