Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! To me 32 years and at me secondary sterility or barrenness. By results of...

23.06.2004, 11:55
The dear doctor! To me 32 years and at me secondary sterility or barrenness. By results of GSG at me an obstruction of both pipes. Left in an ampullar department, right presumably in the middle. In the rest all OK. Whether As you think it is necessary to do or make a laparoscopy or better not losing time to try or taste EKO. Thanks for the answer.

Gorodetskaja M.D.
25.06.2004, 12:19
On EKO it is possible to go only after a laparoscopy (in ttakoj situations).

29.06.2004, 04:27
The dear doctor! And could specify why. I ask, as the doctor, k-e me conduct speak, that after a laparoscopy the extrauterine pregnancy or salpingocuesis and consequently it is better EKO is possible or probable.

Gorodetskaja M.D.
02.07.2004, 19:15
Laproskopija before EKO at an obstruction of pipes goes as one of stages EKO.

06.07.2004, 01:27
The dear Doctor!
To me have appointed or nominated delivery analizo on gormony-TTg, 3, 4 svob, antibodies to peropsidaze itireoglobulinu + Prolactinum. Prompt please during what moment of a cycle them lichshe to hand over. I am surveyed for sterility or barrenness. Thankful in advance for the answer.