Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, tell or say, please, what by-effects cause nyxes 17 OPK...

02.07.2004, 10:44
The doctor, tell or say, please, what by-effects cause nyxes 17 OPK which to me have appointed or nominated in connection with uterine krovotechniem. To me 50
Years and at me besides a mastopathy.

Malanova T.B.
03.07.2004, 19:57
Vo-the first esteem the instruction to a preparation, vo-the second, on a background 17 opk mogutbyt acyclic krovjanistye allocation, an appreciable increase in weight, fluctuations of a BP, etc. Discuss treatment with the doctor. And a question to you - 17 OPK have appointed or nominated after diagnostic vyskabdivanija, YES???.

Malanova T.B.
03.07.2004, 22:37
Vo-the first esteem the instruction to a preparation, vo-the second, on a background 17 opk can be acyclic krovjanistye allocation, an appreciable increase in weight, fluctuations of a BP, etc. Discuss treatment with the doctor. And a question to you - 17 OPK have appointed or nominated after a diagnostic currettage, YES???.

04.07.2004, 16:27
The doctor, thanks for the answer! To me have appointed or nominated 17 after
Currettages (for 2 posledn. Month-2 time). Gistolo-
gija-polyps. To me have appointed or nominated on 3 nyxes in techen. 3 h months. The matter is that in drugstores there is no instruction
To a preparation. And I am afraid of it or him to do or make iz-for collateral
The phenomena. Whether there is no other way to avoid uterine

Malanova T.B.
05.07.2004, 20:37
There are also other hormonal preparations, but e st and more radical methods: a burning out endometrija (manipulation looks or appears as a diagnostic currettage) and you cease to menstruate.
Treatment hormonal you obgovarivaete only with the endocrinologist.