Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctors. t. Up to 14 d. ts. 36, 8 36, 6, then 37, 2 prior to the beginning me...

02.07.2004, 16:01
Dear doctors. t. Up to 14 d. ts. 36, 8 36, 6, then 37, 2 prior to the beginning of monthly. One day prior to monthly 37, 1. Whether the norm or rate it, in fact temperature should fall up to 36, 8. And as then except for US it is possible to define or determine offensive or approach of pregnancy (in fact at we take. The temperature should keep 37, 2)

Kamenetskij B.A.
05.07.2004, 19:00
If without uzi, only after a delay by means of tests.