Просмотр полной версии : Prompt please! By results of analyses, at me have revealed tsitomegalovi...

05.07.2004, 04:47
Prompt please! By results of analyses, at me have revealed tsitomegalovirus-IgG: + polozh. 10; IgM: - otritsat. Except for it or this a toxoplasmosis - IgG: + 50 polozh.; IgM + rez. slabopolozhit. The Duration of gestation - 3 ned. The doctor, anything plainly could not explain to me, has told or said only, it is what is it treated by antibiotics. Whether there is a sense to save the child and to risk its or his health? Anything cannot precisely tell or say in occasion of presence at me antibodies of these viruses and possible or probable potalogy at a birth... Help or assist, please!

Malanova T.B.
05.07.2004, 14:28
About TSMV can forget, nothing will be, and here with a toxoplasmosis neponjatno-recently it or him have transferred or carried?. If you live in Moscow visit the Center of a toxoplasmosis. I did not like that at you positive IgM. If you not in Moscow, peresdajte a blood on a toxoplasmosis. Any treatment while to spend it is not necessary, it is not necessary to interrupt pregnancy too. While at you indications for an abortion are not present.