Просмотр полной версии : Term 18 ned. Brown botched work Today has begun. I think iz-for low placentas...

04.07.2004, 05:21
Term 18 ned. Brown botched work Today has begun. I think iz-for low placentations (6 mm from internal fauces)
The doctor in zh/to has registered ginipral 1/4 t-6 r/d, Isoptinum 1/4 t-6/d, No-shpa 1-3/d, suppositories with a papaverine 2/d. How you consider or count such set of medicines - whether a little? Very much it would be desirable to receive your advice or council. Many thanks.

Ryazanov And.
05.07.2004, 05:07
Natasha, is not enough information, but I would recommend hospitalization.