Просмотр полной версии : Good evening! I on 22 week of pregnancy have handed over the analysis of a blood on Saccharum. Rez...

30.06.2004, 22:52
Good evening! I on 22 week of pregnancy have handed over the analysis of a blood on Saccharum.
Result of the analysis: Saccharum natoshchak-4, 2, Saccharum after nagruzki-6, 1. Tell or say, please, by what the norm or rate of Saccharum in a blood and that to me to do or make, if my parameters exceed admissible norms or rates.

04.07.2004, 13:49
During pregnancy extreme parameters - 6 (well it on simple without a load, a notch on an empty stomach), nezagruzhajte itself ahead of time)))))