Просмотр полной версии : Acute bilateral salpigooforit and tubovarialnoe education

23.06.2004, 20:30
To me of 27 years. In 1999 the cyst has been found out in me on the right ovary endometriodnaja. Began to treat in the different ways (the name of preparations I do not remember) are were both antibiotics and hormones and vitamins and elektrofarez, and a hemotransfusion under the scheme or plan together with input chloride in a vein. A cyst if decreased - that slightly. Then the third doctor has put me the diagnosis - Fine polikistoznost both ovaries . It began possible to tell or say in the national ways to raise or increase my immunity, having paid attention on very low level of leucocytes. And in additives began to do or make genekologichesky massage. If it is fair in medicine I do not understand. But polikistoznosti the doctor has explained the reason of occurrence to me so: as to my mum when she was on conservation by me, should not give a preparation which to her gave as a result my ovaries are a little far away from a uterus, than should be - during an ovulation ovaries allocate with something also it completely does not leave an organism, forming fine polikistoznost.
After last treatment in the beginning 2002. In female consultation where I was on the account, to the touch have found out nothing, to general surprise. I was delighted, but repeated US did not begin to do or make because of a failure of agents.
In April 2004 - has again got to genekologu.
Me began to treat for a bacterial vaginosis and a clamidiosis in current of month.
Has made US at last on which enometriodnaja the cyst of the right ovary up to 4 see again has been revealed
Not having been in time or had time will recover, have again found out gardenellez. But treatment for it or him have appointed or nominated through 2 and a half of a week - once again to not drink antibiotics in case at the repeated analysis again will find out a clamidiosis.
Not having had time to cure repeated gardenellez - in estrennom the order it has been hospitalized with complaints to pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly, a nausea, dryness in a mouth, a cold fit, the temperature was 38 and 3. In current of week at me all time the temperature - a maximum 39 exactly rose, then it or her forced down. Treated conservatively both nyxes and systems Inflammatory process has considerably decreased.
Now at me an extract from a hospital with the diagnosis Acute bilateral salpigooforit and tubovarialnoe education on the right . The cyst too has remained with me
On the right in the bottom of a stomach or belly something pulls, because of it or this even at once I can not fall asleep, vorochujus.
It is already tired it is treated. What to do or make? Whether there Is any output or exit from this situation? Whether I in the further can have children?
Now to me have registered suppositories with Indomethacinum, poltabletki Aspirinum for the night. During monthly on a choice an antibiotic: abaktal (its or his saw in April from a clamidiosis), either ofloksatsin, or sumament, or any rulin. After have registered Rigevidonum for two-rub or -three months. What antibiotic to me to choose? I do not understand it or this
When finally will pass or take place this inflammatory process?
And how you could not "decipher" my diagnosis on clear to me tongue?
Can make to me laproskopiju and clean or remove this cyst? She in fact more then will not appear?

24.06.2004, 16:00
endometrioidnaja the cyst does not give in to conservative treatment, only surgical. It is possible to not touch or not tamper with it or her at all, but if to touch or tamper with - only laparoskopicheski.

03.07.2004, 14:57
If all on US speak, what she endometrioidnaja how to explain that fact, what after genekologich.massazha she to the touch was not?
Still last doctor spoke me about any laser. What is this treatment? Whether it is necessary to spend it or him?

04.07.2004, 11:57
oshchup is very subjective method. Cysts are diagnosed on uzi. Even if she not endometrioidnaja, ve it is peer so longly existing cyst of unknown character - the indication to operation. Gynecologic massage at cysts is counter-indicative.

04.07.2004, 11:57
The laser too!