Просмотр полной версии : Hello. Whether it is possible to use wads constantly. Whether it is harmful?...

02.07.2004, 16:08
Hello. Whether it is possible to use wads constantly. Whether it is harmful?

03.07.2004, 17:21
7 years use them. And plnostju has refused linings. And all is remarkable!! Neither illnesses or diseases, nor inflammations - anything!!! Only convenience and comfort!!! (and it is better O. B. And Kotex, and Tampah - inconveniently and not so horosheo qualities) Nuzhn only to watch or keep up cleanliness to do or make all under the instruction, pure or clean arms or hand... And in time them to change... That's all. By the way, for the night it is possible also a lining. But I use disposable, t. To. At night they kak-that are not allocated practically.

Soboleva L.I.
04.07.2004, 10:24
Hello! It is quite admissible, in wads (at keeping personal hygiene) there is nothing onasnogo.