Просмотр полной версии : Help or Assist! At me 7 day of a delay, the test and the analysis of a blood has shown that I take...

28.06.2004, 03:28
Help or Assist! At me 7 day of a delay, the test and the analysis of a blood has shown that I am pregnant. But me disturbs BT. Some days BT kept 37, 0 yesterday was 36, 9 today in general 36, 8 what is it can be?

30.06.2004, 22:32
Disadvantage of hormones, at me as was, already up to 36, 7 reached (on 3 4 nedelke), and now to us 15 nedelek, to us have written out djufaston, dosih pores I accept, all will be good, do not worry, descend or go to the doctor. Success and health to you and your kid.

02.07.2004, 12:07
Svetlana and when you have started to accept djufaston on what week?
In advance thanks you

04.07.2004, 10:14
With 5 - 6 nedelke the doctor has told or said to accept already up to 16 nedelke while all not vossanovitsja, it is connected with hormones, at me the yellow body has shown US not enough, descend or go to the doctor, do not postpone, Success.