Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! To me of 49 years. 1, 5 months ago has ceased to drink tri-regol. Mesjach...

02.07.2004, 03:12
Good afternoon! To me of 49 years. 1, 5 months ago has ceased to drink tri-regol. Monthly any more was not.
2 weeks ago strong inflow, up to a syncopal status have begun. And in fact doctors on receptions spoke, that reception of hormonal contraceptives will facilitate course of a climacterium. Yesterday the doctor to me has recommended klimandinon and has appointed or nominated analyses for gormonozamenjajushchej therapies: 2 kinds of analyses of a blood, mamografiju, uzi. If it so is complex or difficult, in what cases therapy is shown gormonozamenjajushchaja? What accessible preparations without such difficulties it is possible to avoid problems of a climacteric?

Malanova T.B.
04.07.2004, 05:53
In 49 years it is undesirable to drink monophasic OK. You have received natural reaction. Inspection to you is appointed or nominated correctly. After inspection to you will pick up treatment.