Просмотр полной версии : Prompt, please, at me periodically (basically after monthly) poja...

03.07.2004, 17:20
Prompt, please, I periodically (basically after monthly) have a small itch and is small allocation. I wish to hand over analyses. Advise, that it is better to pass or take place - 1. Full bacteriological research
(Crop on chlamydias, crop on bakfloru,
Definition of sensitivity to antibiotics)
+ mushrooms from feelings. To antib. A smear on nutrient mediums or mediums, soskob on transport medium 2. The expanded research of a urogenital tract without chlamydias
(Crop on bakfloru with definition of sensitivity, bakterioskopija)
+ mushrooms with sensitivity
3. A full microscopy

Malanova T.B.
04.07.2004, 00:21
I all over again would make a banal smear on flora those days when you have an itch and bleach. After that it is possible to look, spend sumashedshie money or all is banal enough.