Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! Comment, please, on results of analyses on hormones: ...

02.07.2004, 16:44
Good afternoon! Comment, please, on results of analyses on hormones:
7 d. ts.: Oestradiolum - 46 nmol/l, LG - 13, 3 mme/ml, FSG - 5, 5 mme/ml, Prolactinum - 494 mme/l, progesteron-2 nmol/l.
13 d. ts.: LG - 11, 6 mme/ml, FSG - 7, 1 mme/ml.
21 d. ts.: Oestradiolum - 151 nmol/l, LG - 10 mme/ml, FSG - 7 mme/ml, a hydrocortisone - 418 nmol/l, progesteron-2, 7 nmol/l. A cycle irregular. Thanks!

03.07.2004, 10:26
Norms or Rates labartorii
LG: fol. A phase 1 9; ovuljat. A phase 13 83; Luteinum. A phase <0, 5 14;
FSG: fol. A phase 2 11; ovuljat. A phase 5 20; Luteinum. A phase 1 10;
Prolactinum: 67 726 mme/l;
Hydrocortisone: 150 660 Nmol/l;
Progesteronum: fol. The phase - is less 6 nmol/l; ljut. A phase 10 89 nmol/l. Sterility or barrenness of 1 degree

Kamenetskij B.A.
03.07.2004, 21:25
Lina! To tell or say norm or rate or not, you can and without me on the basis of the resulted or brought norms or rates, and here to diagnose in absentia only according to hormones it is impossible.