Просмотр полной версии : Pregnancy of 18 weeks. On US a cyst in the right hemisphere of a brain of a fetus. Naskol...

01.07.2004, 23:02
Pregnancy of 18 weeks. On US a cyst in the right hemisphere of a brain of a fetus. How much or As far as it is dangerous?

02.07.2004, 02:17
I had the same on 18 to week. Doctors have told or said that as a rule they resolve after 25 weeks, and it has turned out - on 24 to week already nothing was. By the way, itself the doctor which did or made US, has told or said that it or she had too most, even 2 cysts, and too have resolved. In that case it not dangerously, dangerously only if the cyst does not resolve and starts to grow. So wait a little and make US once again - I think that all will be good! Success.

Pasenjuk A.M.
03.07.2004, 06:48
N aetom term it is impossible to diagnose unequivocally, it is necessary to repeat US after 24 weeks. Cysts can sammostojatelno resolve.