Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! I ask to comment on result of US of organs small a basin...

01.07.2004, 11:25
The dear doctor!
I ask to comment on result of US of organs of a small basin for 11 day of a cycle (including US vaginalnym the gauge):
Uterus 462947, a contour precise, rough, ehostruktura non-uniform, snizh. ehoplotnosti.
On shejke uteruses in the field of internal fauces - och. nabola (illegibly) diameter 8 mm.
On a back wall of a uterus subserous fibromatous 2213 site.
In the field of the left ovary an echo (-) education 504355 with thin walls, with non-uniform ehosoderzhimym.
In the right ovary two echo (-) educations in diameters of 15 and 17 mm with homogeneous contents and an echo (-) education 2621 mm with non-uniform melkodispersnym contents.
In parameter. Areas venous vessels are varicose expanded.
The diagnosis: a genital infantilism 1 stepni, a hysteromyoma, cysts of ovaries.
Will add. The information: to me of 26 years, beremennostej, abortions were not. A menses from 13 years, for 4 5 days, were established or installed at once. Allocation plentiful in the second day, with clots. Morbid only in the first day. A sexual life since 19 years, with the constant partner, regular. A way of preservation - mechanical. Hormonal preparations did not apply never. Any vydeleny in not menstrual days does not happen. Occasionally there are painful sensations in a bottom of a stomach or belly and in lumbar area which connected or bound with a pyelonephritis. I plan pregnancy. At survey of the gynecologist for 10 day of a cycle of education in the field of the left ovary of such sizes it is not revealed.
The huge request to express the opinion concerning the diagnosis on the basis of US and my chances to become pregnant and normally to bear or take out the child. Many thanks.

Malanova T.B.
02.07.2004, 14:52
It is necessary to you utochni a situation with jaichnikovymi educations. Whether is not present endometrioidnoj a cyst?