Просмотр полной версии : Dear, the doctor! A delay monthly 4. Tests give negative rezu...

Elena, 37
01.07.2004, 12:49
Dear, the doctor! A delay monthly 4. Tests give negative result. Five months ago at me already such already was. Has made uzi. Result: an atresia of follicles. Now at me probably too most. How often it is possible to pass or take place uzi?
Then my doctor has not given any references to me, except for to make 3 nyxes progestirona. What to me to do or make now? Whether It is necessary for me to cause monthly? Well, help or assist, me advice or council? How often it will proceed?

Malanova T.B.
02.07.2004, 02:43
1. It is possible to do or make US so often as it is necessary. 2. For finding-out of the reason of dysfunction of ovaries it is necessary to spend hormonal inspection.