Просмотр полной версии : If the virus of the Hepatitis is found out in the woman With as support of wives differs...

28.06.2004, 10:45
If the virus of the Hepatitis is found out in the woman With as up to sorts or labors and during sorts or labors in a maternity home support of the woman differs from a usual case.

29.06.2004, 23:59
If in a blood of the woman antibodies to a hepatitis With the special occasion for excitements at you is not present so danger is represented with the acute form of disease at the pregnant woman are found out. Nevertheless, it is necessary to adhere of some the rules of conducting stipulated for similar cases. Among them: observation akushera-the gynecologist together with the therapist, if necessary consultation of the hepatologist, the biochemical analyses of a blood including hepatic assays and transaminases, US of a liver. The risk of fetal infection with a hepatitis With does not depend on time of infection of mother and makes 6 %.

02.07.2004, 01:14
And there is more information and mamy-with a hepatitis - is on a site - hcv. ru - itself it has appeared in sit. With geps, but anything - happens and is worse...