Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, I accept OK Mersilon; several months ago has found out...

Julia To.
01.07.2004, 06:21
The dear doctor, I accept OK Mersilon; several months ago have found out a small hysteromyoma (1), the doctor has told or said, that OK it is possible to continue to accept, tk he nizkodozirovannyj. For 5 mes the myoma has not grown, even has a little decreased; but there was such problem: one week prior to usual term of arrival monthly, on a background of reception OK have appeared smearing dark krovjanistye allocation (not plentiful) - proceeded gde-those 4 days. I have drunk up a pack up to the extremity or end, but monthly do not send or have come - only in one of days again were same allocation as I have described above. The doctor has told or said, that all the same it is necessary to begin new pack OK in usual term (for me - tomorrow), predvaitelno couple of days pomerjav basal temperature. Today 36, 8; whether it is possible really to start to drink a new pack?

Pasenjuk A.M.
01.07.2004, 13:20
Yes, it is possible. But you need to specify on US a locating of a myoma in a wall of a uterus.