Просмотр полной версии : I know, that is pregnant. But nothing disturbs me. Sometimes toshnit, but eto about...

19.06.2004, 20:20
I know, that is pregnant. But nothing disturbs me. Sometimes toshnit, but eto it is very weak. The breast does not hurt. 5 days of a delay. And when the toxicosis will come?

23.06.2004, 14:54
Well why all with such trembling WAIT (!?) when he, native will come???:) to me he and has not come, to that I am very glad. Hope better that it or him and was not!

The anonym
25.06.2004, 06:11
At me too in the beginning it or him was not, and I too experienced:-))) then as has begun, went was angry with itself as it or he can be waited and wanted? 6))

The anonym
26.06.2004, 21:31
5 days of a delay are small term. The toxicosis comes on 5 6 week, and can and in general nebyt. But if it is already a little of you podtashnivaet soon wait for a malaise.

28.06.2004, 05:59
At me attributes of a toxicosis have begun on 7 8, I have passed or have taken place in the easy or light;mild form consider or count up to 12, but constant podtashnivanie in the mornings and a motion desease in the machine or car (when earlier with a sort did not rock to sleep)... Me pleased a little (. It is better to not wait for a toxicosis.

28.06.2004, 14:02
Vot-here, I also did not wait for a toxicosis, and to think about itself have forgotten with happiness. Also there was no it or him at me. So same it is good, the will think of it or this less, the more its or his probability to avoid. Depends on a spirit and a self-suggestion Much... Well not always certainly, but nevertheless.

30.06.2004, 15:00
At me has begun on 7 week... Also proceeded up to 16 j...