Просмотр полной версии : We 2 days ago were in US and the doctor has told or said that to us of only 5 weeks. (after...

The anonym
29.06.2004, 09:26
We 2 days ago were in US and the doctor has told or said that to us of only 5 weeks. (last minstruatsija was on October, 24th). The doctor has appointed or nominated to me suppositories (a papaverine a hydrochloride.) 10 days 4 times day and coal 3 times in day of 10 days. What will advise to accept them or not? Whether will damage or injure;hurt suppositories to my child? And at me recently vzdut a stomach or belly from what it can be, can at you is kakieto advice or councils.

30.06.2004, 07:01
When laid on conservation, to the Papaverine gave out to those, at korgo there were abdominal pains. They remove or take out a pain. If pain net-you can not accept them. Aktivirovanyj coal you can drink spokojno-he not only does not harm, but also helps or assists. It is an absorbent which collects all muck of their your intestine (the reason of an inflation) and deduces or removes it or her.