Просмотр полной версии : Hello! One week prior to prospective monthly have begun characteristic bol...

29.06.2004, 07:51
Hello! One week prior to prospective monthly characteristic pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly have begun. After a delay in 3 days, used the test on beremenost. The test positive. Beremenost planned. The US still have not appointed or nominated. I assume, that at present pregnancy of week 3, nebolshe. Characteristic to a premenstrual syndrome of a pain disturb till now that more strongly, more weakly. Pains sometimes amplify after the sexual certificate or act, but arise irrespectively is more often. What is it can be such? How much or As far as it is dangerous? What it is possible to accept for putting off or taking out of a pain?

Pasenjuk A.M.
30.06.2004, 05:53
If assume pregnancy, it is not desirable to do or make US n yet afone pains and to be engaged in sex - pains can lead to an abortion. It is possible to apply to putting off or taking out of pains noshpu..