Просмотр полной версии : Hello, 1, 5 years I can not zaberement, have made a laparoscopy, have found ze...

27.06.2004, 05:57
Hello, 1, 5 years I can not zaberement, have made a laparoscopy, have found zendometrioz an abdominal cavity, pipes are passed or taken place;passable, visually ovaries in norm or rate. Under analyses are raised or increased LG and FSG, deficiency of weight (45 kg at body height 164). The doctor has appointed or nominated nemestram to 6 months. Tell or say, at me treat only an endometriosis or normalize a hormonal background? And more, the doctor has told or said, what physical exercises are counter-indicative, and I skate also mountain skiing, really to forget about sports?

27.06.2004, 16:42
http: // larina. by. ru/is its or her liked subject.

Gorodetskaja M.D.
29.06.2004, 12:38
nemestram to you it is not shown. The nutritious diet, cod-liver oil, hormonal correction and to become pregnant.