Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Tell or Say please from what so happens, that people we do not take...

27.06.2004, 04:17
Tell or Say please from what so happens, that people not beremennejut, and tutu have suddenly gone had a rest and on you pregnancy. Simply I know a case, that at the man spermogramma was zero, 2, 5 years could not zaberemennet, and here suddenly on, after holiday come and speak at us pregnancy.
Simply at me the same situation, at the husband spermogramma zero, and now we go to holiday, and zaberemennet 2 years any more cannot almost. Whether happens such, what spermatozomdy suddenly appear simply so without treatment?

Kamenetskij B.A.
27.06.2004, 18:53
In this life there are the most different surprising cases, however it is enough often all speaks is banal enough.......

The wife
29.06.2004, 07:59
That is the resort novel? Boris Aleksandrovich, more silently, more silently, the husband will hear.........