Просмотр полной версии : For pregnancy it is necessary to do or make 3 US. But on what terms? The first US to the wife of business or affairs...

27.06.2004, 00:27
For pregnancy it is necessary to do or make 3 US. But on what terms? The first US to the wife did or made on 13 week, now 20 I and the doctor have sent on 2 e US. Whether early?

27.06.2004, 14:27
Voobshche-that, US it is necessary to do or make no more than 3 h time for all pregnancy: in 10, 20 and 30 weeks. Some doctors tend to carrying out of US 2 times: in terms of 16 24 and 28 32 weeks. It is considered, that US safe procedure, but thus nobody is assured or confident of correctness of such opinion as this procedure began to be spent not so long ago, and its or her consequences are not studied or investigated yet. From here and mass of disputes on this subject. If there is no acute necessity, from US it is possible to wait for weeks up to 24. For certain to her also will make US and before sorts or labors.

29.06.2004, 06:22
Irina, thanks. The doctor here is not present, but there are you. Still time of thanks.