Просмотр полной версии : Girls, only with uzi has arrived (with the husband). To us 19. A uterus in a tonus, the doctor...

23.06.2004, 13:56
Girls, only with uzi has arrived (with the husband). To us 19. A uterus in a tonus, the doctor has registered vitamin E, 6 and suppositories diclofenac. Vopros-(to me it is a shame, what I do not know it or this), but these suppositories as I understand not in a vagina? It is written for zastosuvannja.
Thanks for the answer.

27.06.2004, 05:01
Voobshche-that is better to you at the doctor to ask. To me, for example registered suppositories with Nistatinum for application in a vagina and when I have gone on drugstores to me everywhere offered one rectal. As a result I longly found out, it is possible or not rectal suppositories into a vagina to insert. It has appeared, that as others were not " in the nature ", the doctor with a small strained interpretation has allowed to apply rectal suppositories vaginalno. So I advise to solve this question with the doctor.

29.06.2004, 02:30
Suppositories Diclofenac (they Voltarenum) are applied only is rectal, operate or work as anesthetizing and antiinflammatory or anti-inflammatory. Not so clearly, for what to you them have appointed or nominated, they are appointed or nominated, basically, at a painful syndrome in muscles or joints, at arthritises and radiculites.
You can specify at the doctor about necessity of their purpose or appointment, but apply them in a vagina I to you urgently I do not recommend.