Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! Can, a little not on a subject but even advise where...

27.06.2004, 10:14
Hello, the doctor! Can, a little not on a subject but even advise where to address. To the child 4 years - the girl. Priserno 10 days ago has found out green allocation on shorts. Complaints from its or her party or side are not present. Allocation not daily though, probably, simply I wash off after visiting a toilet. Yesterday on sexual labiums was zasohshaja slime and a smell of pus. Yes, recently have transferred or carried a flu. Please, advise if not treatment - I understand that analyses - then are necessary where to address. We do not have opportunity to seem to the children's therapist. Please, respond - and suddenly at a tightening IT will pass in the chronic form??? Very much I look forward to hearing. In advance thanks

Malanova T.B.
28.06.2004, 20:57
To the pediatrist.