Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon. You could not help or assist to calculate dangerous days for me, (for zach...

25.06.2004, 19:46
Good afternoon. You could not help or assist to calculate dangerous days for me, (for conception). Last menst. Has begun on October, 13th, a cycle of 27 days. In advance thanks.

26.06.2004, 10:02
Good afternoon. You could not help or assist to calculate dangerous days for me, (for conception). Last menst. Has begun on October, 13th, a cycle of 27 days. In advance thanks.

27.06.2004, 05:57
Good afternoon. You could not help or assist to calculate dangerous days for me, (for conception). Last menst. Has begun on October, 13th, a cycle of 27 days. In advance thanks.

28.06.2004, 00:26
At us with the wife it has turned out with 1 go time. By this technique you should act or arrive as follows: with 23 go October refusal of sex, then 27, 29 and 31 go sex.

28.06.2004, 17:32
Your dangerous days with 9 on 16. It provided that your cycle is always stable. (27 days).