Просмотр полной версии : What is it can be? Monthly send or have come in time, but have begun with brown vydel...

28.06.2004, 01:59
What is it can be? Monthly send or have come in time, but have begun with brown vydeleny (however so happened and earlier). Usually at me the first den-two pains and very plentiful allocation, and this time all has passed or has taken place absolutely painlessly and bloods was much less. All very much has ended with a lot or plenty of a transparent liquid (as though "water")... I know, that weak monthly happen on the first month of pregnancy, but it or this like should not be, today has spent the test - negatively. At me any pains, nothing disturbs. Whether it is necessary to something to undertake or it is possible to not worry?

Pasenjuk A.M.
28.06.2004, 07:18
It is better to visit or attend the doctor - probably at vsa a chronic inflammation of uterine pipes.