Просмотр полной версии : Girls, and have not solved with the husband, to be present to him on sorts or labors or not. That...

28.05.2004, 15:28
Girls, and have not solved with the husband, to be present to him on sorts or labors or not. What do you think in this occasion? I wait for advice or councils. Thanks.

30.05.2004, 10:23
In electron magazine kleo. ru on November, 4th there was very detailed clause or article on this subject. Can try to find it or her in archive or under links corresponding or meeting on this site. And it is still very important not only with the husband such question to discuss, but also with the doctor who will accept labors (you already should be defined or determined with a maternity home and the doctor, a minimum one month prior to sorts or labors). The good doctor himself prefers to discuss on this subject with spouses, some doctors depending on impression of conversation can prompt, whether it is necessary to this pair to pass or take place similar test, down to an interdiction of presence of the husband if he very much doubts, or is incorrectly adjusted or set incorrectly up.

02.06.2004, 13:41
Lena T.Znaesh, I longly thought, on girlfriends consulted how to be. On the one hand - the husband became closer, it would be desirable, that he such difficult minute was series, held for an arm or a hand, helped or assisted, has regretted, but on the other hand - it would not be desirable, that he saw me in such kind..... From such party or side. I hold the opinion, that it is not necessary to husbands to speak about how all at women occurs or happens that occurs or happens as they look or appear... Even about all illnesses or diseases it or him do not need to be known..... The wife is necessary to men healthy... .hotja they also will regret us and will caress..
I shall give birth or shall travail without the husband though very much would like that it or him it was warm series.... Let he saw me then, beautiful and happy!

05.06.2004, 20:49
We in due time have solved against such variant. I have still consulted to the obstetrix or obstetrics - she too was against. Help or assist you the husband can only that will be present there - will call the doctor, esldi it is necessary, at itself the personnel will behave sderzhannee and is exact on you will not shout and so on... But you here think, if to you such guarantees are required, can at once is better not go to give birth or travail to such place where there are similar fears? In general I for myself have solved a question so - in advance have met the obstetrix or obstetrics, have inquired about doctors and about a maternity home in general that then nothing to be surprised, and have agreed (platno, it is natural) that this obstetrix or obstetrics will arrive to accept my labors irrespective of, whether there will be its or her change. It is possible to agree also and with the doctor, but, in the first, more dearly or expensively, and in the second, that doctor which senior on change responds all the same. In any case, the husband could not help or assist me how obstetrix or obstetrics Valentine has helped or assisted, give her the God of health! I had prompt or impetuous labors so only owing to her I have avoided serious breaks.

08.06.2004, 00:39
I too not so wish "to shout and suffer" before the husband, to him probably will be serious on it to look. But sdrugoj the parties or sides, with it or him are quieter kak-that. He will not admit or allow any negligent attitude to us with the kid, the important decision if I cannot can achieve and make of all. At all I do not know, as well as to be. And more it would not be desirable, that he saw, that I cannot suffer or bear a pain (and I very much am afraid of a pain and it is assured, that I shall start to cry and groan from the very beginning), that I weak. What to solve?

08.06.2004, 18:29
To me to give birth or travail yet soon. But I can tell or say, that I shall give birth or shall travail without the husband. It is necessary for me, that the attention was only to me and if the husband suddenly will take in head to faint? I cannot concentrate and the doctor will not know to itself to throw by means of.

11.06.2004, 17:15
Well I actually also have advised you - find such honey of the worker which can help or assist with the given situation to you not worse than the husband. That is " will not admit or allow any negligent attitude to us with the kid, the important decision " can achieve and make of all. Besides, the doctor will help or assist you and with acceptance of such decision. And what your husband thinks, he wishes to be present or not?

15.06.2004, 03:00
Lena. And if to you vse-taki to decide to be together with the husband, but let he will be OUTSIDE, t. e. Behind a door. You will know on the one hand, that he here, and on the other hand he will not see all "prelestej".

18.06.2004, 00:40
With vrachem, I think, it is necessary to agree, t. To. To give birth or travail I plan on New Year's holidays and very much I am afraid of the "tipsy" brigade of physicians...

21.06.2004, 04:46
pochemu-that all against: ((to Mine synule a year and 7 months. I can tell the positive experience. We both gave birth or travailled, and lived then in separate chamber: I, the daddy and synulja. We basically from each other do not hide anything, we are not ashamed and at all we do not complex, therefore the question of an aesthetics did not stand. To give birth or travail together at all did not solve, it kak-that by itself was understood. Here we the doctor not so was for, she basically does not approve presence of fathers on sorts or labors. But in our case she has then changed the opinion, speaks, does not know, that she with me did or made, if not our daddy. I conducted on slabenkuju troechku. It seemed to me, that the pain is intolerable. When send or have departed waters, I did not wish to rise to change clothes and replace a bedsheet, it seemed to me, that if I posheveljus I shall die of a pain. Only the daddy the words and an equal quiet voice has forced me to rise. The doctor has understood, what he on me influence renders and has charged to him "to command" me. Owing to him I could rise, descend or go in a toilet, he drove me on a corridor - so fights were easier transferred or carried. And when it seemed to me, that I cannot already make an effort - he has ordered: nu-ka give, all you can, do not bungle! I pochemu-heard that and perceived only its or his words. And in general all was kak-that on house, I about what did not worry. I have given birth in the afternoon, and see you in the evening could not rise. The daddy looked after for fine, has made a heap of photos, lifted me in a toilet, brought meal from a dining room. And the child to give it was not necessary in the general or common room. Consult I with it or him in the first day could not, but also to give it is not known where too would not give for what. The attitude or relation of the husband to me has not changed, the inclination has not disappeared. He saw, how I have received the cut or section, itself houses then still ranku processed, looked after. More shortly all at us in the full order, emotion from a maternity home and sorts or labors only positive.

21.06.2004, 06:35
Well and at me was so, in the beginning I have solved, that we shall give birth or we shall travail together but when time has come and we with the husband have gone to a sort. The house, I to him how to be spoken before a nose has closed a door! to. It was necessary to me more hardly in two at a birth, besides rozhat-to work it is necessary, and before the darling to look or appear adequately. Well and I gave birth or travailled with all emotsijami-both groaned, and shouted, and breathed. Voobshchem on sledushchy day to me was at all dexterously for the behaviour before honey. The personnel! Well and vobshchem as well as with whom you would not give birth or not travail, the main thing of health to you and yours masiku!

24.06.2004, 20:39
I so consider or count. If your husband really meaningly wishes to be present at this historical moment, it is not necessary to dissuade it or him, is better together to be prepared, esteem, look or see, think over tactics. That he was ready to everything, including to (God forbid!) to not to favorable succession of events like an immediate surgery. If he doubts or does not want - do not insist.

28.06.2004, 05:02
I shall give birth or shall travail in couple of months and we have solved this question so - the husband will be with me in chamber at initial fights, will encourage me, will help or assist massage, simply tender word. And there it will be visible on circumstances! Can, I shall feel, that I can not with it or him, can, he will not want even to enter in patrimonial - all in fact can be! Thus, the husband - to any will be present on sorts or labors, and nothing will prevail over us.