Просмотр полной версии : Hello. My report likely will seem silly. But has put here in what: I...

24.06.2004, 20:20
Hello. My report likely will seem silly. But has put here in what: I have told or said to the guy, that the virgin (on series of the certain reasons), well and he too as speaks with anybody did not sleep (it precisely). A question here in what: whether can understand not skilled or experienced guys has torn he or has not torn? It is very important, would not be desirable, that he has understood, that I have deceived. And if he can understand, whether in any way it is impossible to convince it or him of the return?

26.06.2004, 02:28
I can advise to borrow or occupy in sex well having drunk, navrjadli he that that will understand, Inspire itself that 1-j time, enter into a role. It is possible podgodat under monthly. From personal experience (neznaju as, but after first second I have got the girl promuchalsja he with me 2 days such itself did not expect. Longly doubted When casually nashol my calendar card with monthly more than doubts was. I hope to you it will help or assist.

Pasenjuk A.M.
27.06.2004, 09:49
Hymen rastjazhima and the bleeding is not obligatory at the first sexual contact + corresponding or meeting behaviour.