Просмотр полной версии : To me have diagnosed - a polycystosis shejki uteruses. Than it differs from erozi...

25.06.2004, 03:49
To me have diagnosed - a polycystosis shejki uteruses. Than it differs from erosion? How much or As far as it is dangerous (malignezatsija)? What less travmatichno - cryotherapy or the laser? How much after these procedures it is necessary to abstain from a sexual life?

Oshchepkova S.R.
25.06.2004, 17:43
And YOU with the diagnosis have mixed nothing? Can be eat closed nabotievy glands or endometriosis SHM? The probability of a malignancy depends on the diagnosis. Specify the diagnosis. Less travmatichen for SHM the laser. Continence of 2 weeks.

27.06.2004, 01:19
More likely nevertheless - closed nabotievy glands, it was a question that after cauterization of erosion ducts of any glands were closed. And now the part of "cysts" - so has named their doctor - are opened or open and from them is allocation, and a part are closed also them it is necessary to open all over again, and then prizhech all with liquid nitrogen. This procedure is how much morbid, whether it is necessary to ask for leave next day from job or I can work in a usual regimen? Thankful in advance for the answer. I look forward!