Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! At me to you such question. The matter is that at me se...

26.06.2004, 02:58
Hello, the doctor!
At me to you such question. The matter is that I today as it seemed to me, had last day monthly. That is already chut-hardly domazyvalis very dark allocation. But I have borrowed or occupied in sex (condoms were with spermitsidnoj greasing), and with each subsequent razom began to see more and more than a blood on elastic. Though any unpleasant sensations was not. I have stopped all, but the blood and is allocated, in a small amount, but she red. Basically, at me monthly periodically go so, that like would end, and then so it is short, but plentifully bright blood is allocated. And I would like to ask, whether there can be actually something negative here so simply, after the normal sexual certificate or act? Or whether there can be it consequence or investigation of what I for the first time have started to drink "Novinet"?
In advance many thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
27.06.2004, 00:30
Hello! During the sexual certificate or act blood supply of genitals that is why occurrence krovjanistyh vydeleny quite probably and should not cause in you troubles sharply amplifies. Also reaction to a preparation is possible or probable, but it too is not dangerous.