Просмотр полной версии : Hello the doctor!!! At me such problem. I treated ureoplazmoz dovoln...

24.06.2004, 08:26
Hello the doctor!!! At me such problem. I treated ureoplazmoz enough greater or big doses of antibiotics (Rulid and Vilprafen) as imunnstimulirujushchaja therapy, it I have successfully spent on drink all and have pierced, but analyses while early to hand over. Except for it or this to me has been registered Betadin, on it or him the allergy, then Terzhinan, too most has begun. 5 days I drank tablets from an allergy and then to me have registered polizhinaks. On it or him the allergy which was showed in an itch about an input or entrance in a vagina, and sexual labiums and vydelenijah transparent color and without a smell has again begun. In itself I the person not allergichnyj. Kogda-that used KlionD and all was normal. The doctor to me has told or said, that the organism at me any more does not accept any medicines and that I should process external genitals a solution of soda to remove or take off an itch and all will pass or take place and to limit sweet and products on which there can be an allergy. You with it or this agree? What to me to do or make?

Malanova T.B.
25.06.2004, 23:52
No, Antihistamine preparations should be continued.