Просмотр полной версии : Whether sterility or barrenness, if in the anamnesis 2 neopushchenie testicles (in dets is curable...

24.06.2004, 19:40
Whether sterility or barrenness, if in the anamnesis 2 neopushchenie testicles (in the childhood 3 operations and 1 of them unsuccessful have been spent), the conclusion spermogrammy oligoastenospermija is curable. What else analyses can be made?

Kuharkin S.A.
25.06.2004, 22:14
Oligoastenohoospermija is any more so badly for similar situtsii, often happens azoospermija. The hope is both on stimulation of a spermatogenesis, and on methods isskusstvnnogo fertilizations jajtskletki. Begin with small - estimate or appreciate shinsy on natural beremenost, realize them. Not poluchitsja - consider iiskustvennoe oplodotvoernie: oznakomtes with productivity, oslozhnajaemostju, religious and moral aspects.