Просмотр полной версии : 1. Term of 32 weeks. During all pregnancy cold does not descend or go from labiums - about...

23.06.2004, 18:10
1. Term of 32 weeks. During all pregnancy cold does not descend or go from labiums - one for another (so was and up to), appointed or nominated cycle Viferona, but it has not helped or assisted. Besides any analyses in this occasion the doctor not nanachil. Whether to insist to hand over " an immunoglobulin of M "?
2. Whether it is possible to apply capsules Genkor-a fort?

Pasenjuk A.M.
25.06.2004, 09:05
It is obligatory to make anliz bloods on a serodiagnosis (immunoglobulins) + to appoint or nominate an immunoglobulin protivogerpetichesky. If live in Moscow address in special protivogerpetichesky the center on Lubjanke.