Просмотр полной версии : The doctor, tell or say please, whether it is possible to use simultaneously a preparation " Fa...

24.06.2004, 10:33
The doctor, tell or say please, whether it is possible to use simultaneously a preparation "Farmateks" (vaginalnye tablets) and a condom with spermitsidnym a covering? I in no event cannot become pregnant now - I 6 months ago have left oncologic clinic, I had a lymphogranulomatosis to 3 her a stage. Therefore it seems to me would be necessary to double contraception. I in fact the rights? And eshchyo-tell or say, please, he in fact not hormonal this "Farmateks"?
In advance thanks.

Soboleva L.I.
25.06.2004, 04:09
Dear polina! Farmateks is not to hormonal preparations. In your situation it is possible and it is necessary to use it or him (or others spermitsidy). In a combination to condoms the contraceptive effect reaches or achieves practically 100 %.