Просмотр полной версии : We are married nearby 2 years. Before wedding by a sexual life did not live. Soon after sv...

22.06.2004, 15:56
We are married nearby 2 years. Before wedding by a sexual life did not live. Soon after wedding at the husband pereodicheski (about time in 3 months in in some days) borings (an erubescence with pink prishchikami) in the inguinal area, causing a strong itch began to appear. At combing the skin is a little shelled. Sexual contacts on the party or side we have no. With other partners had communication or connection last time 3 4 years prior to wedding. Any attributes of diseases was not. One year ago at us the child was born, and gynecologic inspections during pregnancy at me have not found out any diseases. Soon after sorts or labors at me the hemorrhoids (which I suffer and to this day) has developed, and recently I have found out in myself also a boring of a skin around of the proctal or anal aperture, also causing sometimes an itch. What is it can be (at the husband and at me)? Whether there Can be it venereal diseases? In advance I thank for answers.

23.06.2004, 18:39
I not the doctor, but shall advise. It can be from an overheat (otparivanija) skins or from a fungus. In any case would recommend to wash every day and to smear in an inguen with a cream.

Pasenjuk A.M.
24.06.2004, 08:35
It is necessary to exclude a herpes and a candidiasis, it not venereal diseases, but demanding treatments.

24.06.2004, 23:40
C huge for answers. All would be desirable to know your opinion in occasion of infection - how these diseases are passed? Why I do not have same signs, as at the husband? And also what greatest possible incubation interval or delitescence at these diseases, whether the latent form of current of illnesses or diseases without display of external attributes is possible or probable? And more - whether transfer of these diseases of our one-year-old daughter is possible or probable? Whether there Are safe agents of treatment at feeding by a breast? And also these diseases would be how much dangerous to a fetus in case of pregnancy? For me your answers especially tsenny as we live in the USA, honey. Services here very dear or expensive (we do not have honey.), besides all is very difficult to explain and understand insurances in English. Thanks all still time.