Просмотр полной версии : Excuse for the description of intimal details. Pregnancy of 23 weeks. One of these days...

23.06.2004, 05:07
Excuse for the description of intimal details. Pregnancy of 23 weeks. One of these days (just when has begun hot weather) has noticed, what under mouses there were small warts (rodinki?). While on 2 under each axilla. And more one has appeared on the right breech in an anus. In the book " Pending the child " it is written, that in the second and third trimester such displays on a skin in places treny are possible or probable and what is it should pass or take place after sorts or labors. It is possible to trust these words or it is necessary to inform on it or this to the doctor?

Pasenjuk A.M.
24.06.2004, 21:22
Yes, during beermennosti occurrence of papillomas and condylomas is possible or probable. Which "leave" after pregnancy, more often such phenomenon is observed in hot weather.