Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Help or assist me please. Has handed over in DNA the center analyses, obnaruzh...

23.06.2004, 06:18
Hello! Help or assist me please.
Has handed over in DNA the center analyses, have found out a ureaplasma, a streptococcus and a virus of a papilloma. It was treated, has handed over analyses, all is pure or clean. But in 1 month again began to disturb a small itch, allocation (white, without a smell, often very dense), sometimes dryness of a vagina and have appeared red "pryshchiki" as at a streptococcus. Has gone again to DNA the center, has handed over analyses - all purely or cleanly ("prishchiki" by then have disappeared). The doctor has told or said, what is it a streptococcus, and if at menstruatsi he will become aggravated to have a drink Trichopolum and suppositories.
1. Really so can be - analyses pure or clean and signs are saved?
2. Will not prompt what suppositories to apply at a streptococcus, and I have forgotten that, that have told or said the doctor.
3. Whether it is possible or probable, what strepokokk at me becomes aggravated iz-for presence virusv papillomas?

Soboleva L.I.
24.06.2004, 13:17
Hello, Ira!
1. Such it is possible or probable. Unfortunately, DNK-the analysis sometimes gives is false negative answers.
2. What suppositories to you were advised by the doctor I, probably, shall not guess. Probably, Klion-D, Betadin, Ginalgin.
3. Quite probably. At presence papillomavirusnoj the bacteriemic or bacterial infection is enough infection often prisoedinjatesja.